Talent Mindset

Attitude first, ability second, professionalism first, dedication and responsibility

Principles of Employment

Give opportunities to those who want to do something
Provide positions that can handle tasks
Give a position to those who have achieved success

Talent selection criteria

Regardless of age
Regardless of seniority
No longer than the length of service
Open, fair, and just

Talents training objective

Provide a platform for young people with dreams and the desire to become outstanding to grow.

Talent Mindset

In your 3rd, 5th, 10th, 20th, and 30th years after joining the company, the company will send you a recognition and honor of resilience. Thank you for working together with the company, rain or shine!

3 Year

Star of Hope

5 Year

The Star of Dongliang

10 Year

Value inheritance

20 Year

Mission Inheritance

30 Year

Enterprise Inheritance